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Islamic community pushes to add Muslim holidays to school calendar
Fairfield students push for Muslim holidays to be added to school calendar throughout district
CAIR: Push Continues to Add Muslim Holidays to Maryland School Calendars
Waterbury Public Schools discuss adding Islamic holidays to calendar
CAIR Push Continues to Add Muslim Holidays to Maryland School Calendars
CAIR NY Video Group Makes Push for Muslim Holidays in School
VIDEO: Push to add Eid to the school calendar in Waterbury
Hewlett-Woodmere SD holds meeting to discuss adding 2 Muslim holidays to school calendar
New York City Adds 2 Muslim Holy Days to Public School Calendar - Breaking News
Group works for Wake County Schools to treat Muslim holiday same as Christian, Jewish holidays
Muslim School Holidays, City & Sergeants Benevolent Assoc. Contract Deal,City’s Coastal Communities
NYC Candidates Back Muslim Holidays for Schools